Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Perfect Job

Most kids knew what they wanted to be when they grew up. The either wanted to be a teacher or a cop. Me? I wanted to be a Dolphin Trainer at Sea World.

While that dream has yet to be realized, I did go off to college, in search of getting an education- and then a job.

A Degree

I started off my college career a little early by normal standards- apparently most 13 year olds didn't dream about starting college- I still faced the same problem. What to major in.

Liberal arts became the focus for my associate's degree, and I left the community college at 16. 


Life got more interesting at BYU-I, and while I did enjoy my major, I still faced one important question- what would I do when I graduate?

Becoming a writer is a good idea, but writing novels takes time, patience, determination, and a little luck. Making money from it is a different matter.

Interchangeable Jewelry Design

So what job should I take in the meantime? I spent four long years trying to figure that out.

The Dark Ages

Being laid off from your first job can be difficult, even if it was in telemarketing. I won't even go into the next two- make that three. 

The next stop at finding the perfect job was an Internship as an editor at Cedar Fort. While I loved working there, it was also unpaid. I tried getting a job there, but the stars were not In Alignment for me.

Enter Mialisia

When approached with the chance to join Mialisia as a Designer, I immediately agreed, though I did have my doubts. I wondered how I could make a living selling jewelry; but I trusted Trish and put my best foot forward.

After being apart of the company for only a few short weeks, I can say that I now know how I can make a living selling jewelry. The compensation plan is uncompareable, the concept unheard of- except from their old line- and I was in the middle of it!

A chance of a lifetime

Right now, Mialisia is accepting applications from women- and men- who are interesting in becoming a founding designer. The spots are limited and filling up more quickly than predicted; it would be wise to act fast. Email me at to learn more about this amazing company and how you can get on an opportunity call, held by one of the Masters of Mialisia. 

Trust me, this is one opportunity you do not want to let pass you by!

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