Monday, May 27, 2013

A Historic Meeting

On May 23, 2013, Mialisia had its first ever meeting at Thanksgiving Point, Utah. At the meeting, the heads of the company spoke, introducing themselves, talking about how they joined the company, and their experience.

Trish Nabrotzkky

Trish started by talking about her favorite job, her children. She also tied in the fact that she and her husband traveled across the country with her six kids. Trish talked about how she got into the company, went to craft shows to sell the jewelry, and her experience with the old company, Blingtime. She emphasised her belief in Mialisia. That she wouldn't give up time with her kids for something that can't go big.

Dave Nabrotzky

Dave talked about his experience with working as a business man, being the father of six children, and his love for his wife. He mentioned that if you had told him ten years ago his future career choice would be to work with jewelry, he would have thought you were crazy!

Annalise Brown

The creator of Mialisia told us about her three year journey working with jewelry. She described how she got blisters on her hands, worked all night putting beads together, and her surprise when she made two thousand in a 6 hour period. I was surprised when she told us she only dabbled in jewelry, and now she has a thriving business.

Sean Brown

Sean showed us a few PowerPoint slides; giving us more information about the company. One thing that stood out was his word- Fashionista aka hostess. If you don't like the word- don't tell him!

Arianne Morgan

The audience was surprised by her excessive experience with merchandise, sales, and business. Arianne claimed that she is good at one thing- making money. She also admitted that she didn't often listen to and accept pitches about products. But the opportunity and the chance to make a lot of money caused her to take a chance and leave her job- one she has worked for 15 years. Arianne ended with, "If you have any questions, come up to me and we can talk. If you don't think this is a good idea, come up to me and we can figure out what is wrong with your brain."

Meeting the Masters

It was great to be able to finally meet with the people in charge of Mialisia. Not only was it a chance to learn more about the company I would be working and recruiting for, it was a chance to meet the people I would be working with.

Inter-Changeable Jewelry Designs
From Left to Right
Dave and Trish Nabrotzky, Lisa and Breanna Trost,
Sean and Annelise Brown, Brandon and Kayla Bleach

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