Wednesday, May 29, 2013

From Blingtime to Mialisia

Three years ago, Annelise Brown created Blingtime (the old line). It was hard work, full of trials, and not enough money to go around- but it was worth it.

The Idea

Annelise loved Jewelry, the only problem was she had too many to pieces and not enough outfits to wear them with. Then, one of her friends asked if she would share a boutique with her. Annelise decided it was a good idea to join in, but she needed to create the jewelry.

One night, when she couldn't fall asleep, the idea came to her. Instead of just one hook, why not two ("Why no one else thought of this, I don't know," said Annelise during the Historic meeting at Thanksgiving Point.) She spent the entire night working on her new project. When she went to the boutiqe with her friend, she sold nearly all of the jewelry she had made by hand- making 2,000 dollars. When she came home and told her husband this, they knew Annelise was onto something.

Getting Started

Starting a business can be one of the most difficult things; but Annelise and Sean knew if they kept at it, they could change the way women look at jewelry.

After accumulating many blisters on her fingers, Annelise decided to hire women to put together the jewelry.

It took off from there! But that doesn't necessarily mean that the dough started rolling in. Annalise and Sean decided they wanted to make Blingtime even bigger!
Interchangeable Jewelry Designs
Annelise with all her Jewelry

Trying things out

Sean and Annelise tried several things to get their business going. They tried retail, and kiosks (like te ones you see in the mall) but they found it lacked the personal touch the jewelry needed. 

Then Mialisia jewelry and home parties was born! They found that the personal touch would be able to sell the jewelry- Home Parties. They found investors in Utah, and it took off from there! They asked Trish and Dave Nabrotzky to take over Blingtime so they could get started on Mialisia.

How you can join

Want to know how you can catch this wave? Email Me at to find out more! You could also fill out the application and email it to me as well. 

Trust me, you do not want to miss out on this amazing opportunity!
Interchangeable Jewelry Design
A preview of the new line!

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